Healing Sound Bowl Sessions
Albert Einstein, acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time, stated "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." Edgar Cayce, a famous American clairvoyant healer and psychic, once said, “Sound will be the medicine of the future.”. I believe the future is now.
It is my honor to share the transformative healing power of the crystal alchemy singing bowls. I use an alternative approach with the highest love, sound and light to help remind people of their own amazing abilities to heal. I make sure to offer a safe space for all. Part of my work is to break the Illusions of separateness. We are all made up of the same Divine Creator energy. Together we can heal.
The sound frequencies emanating from my singing bowls embrace you with gentle care, guiding you to explore the radiance of your own divine light. These vibrations facilitate a natural release of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and unnecessary pain and suffering. As you relax and let go, you begin to recall the divine light you have always been, are currently and will always be until the end of time.
My aim is to help every person tap into their fullest potential, empowering them to self-regulate and discover their own inherent power. You can experience the transformative power of sound meditation either in-person at SÄDÉ Spa or online through Sädé Journeys, coming soon.
Join me on this journey to bring in the remarkable together! You can reach me at tracy@sadespa.com. For an individual, private group, or remote session you can click on BOOK NOW below.
Every session is customized~ This is an in-person sound healing experience.
If you are curious as to what alchemies I specifically chose in my sets to promote healing . . .
Indigo A quantum healing instrument, Indigo bridges the pituitary gland and the skeletal system, clearing the mind. Freeing our attachment to the past, Indigo awakens inherit psychic abilities.
Root Chakra~ Centering~ 528Hz Note C
Grandfather influences the connection and grounding with Earth's elemental kingdom and ancestral wisdom of the Grandfather vibration, expressing our heritage for grace and inner knowing. Iron oxide process.
Sacral Chakra~ Centering~ 528Hz Note D
Palladium The energy of guardianship on the highest frequency. Empowers the inhibiting of higher consciousness while remaining in the fullness of grounding. JOY and wonder. - Solar Plexus Chakra~ Centering~ 440Hz Note E

Heart Chakra~ Centering~ 440Hz Note F
Azeztulite A celestial connector of the “I AM “energy, transmitting the collective frequency of the universal light above and below, resulting in a third dimensional energy field for expanding consciousness.
- Throat Chakra~ Centering~ 528Hz Note G
Third Eye Chakra~ Centering~ 440Hz Note A
Great Salt Lake A brand new alchemy with mineral rich salts from the great Salt Lake, the home of crystal tones, including magnesium, potassium and lithium. A companion to ease grief, loss and depression, this pure alchemy also brings the caring, gentle and comforting energies of the divine mother, and alchemy of great cleansing, detoxification, and renewal.
Crown Chakra~ Accelerating~ 440Hz Note B
Lemurian Seed This bowl taps us into the world of Lemuria, where all information is stored from the beginnings of time. This is a very powerful tool in accessing other dimensional information and wisdom. It opens one to receiving divine downloads.
Below are the alchemical signatures of the magnificent Endocrine set tuned to 432Hz, the tuning of the connection to Earth.
The two A# bowls, G# bowls and C# bowls create octaves while the C# and G# notes, G# and D#, as well as the A# and D#, create a perfect 4th/5th interval- a sonic container to breathe, feel and heal. This elegant set gracefully weaves cosmic and earth elements to support entrainment with higher vibrational frequencies of Wholeness. Opens pathways to the realms of sacred wisdom to discover and integrate ancient and ancestral knowledge. Invokes a compassionate, soothing and nurturing harmonic field which effortlessly clears and cleanses while gently balancing and re-centering. Tunes and recalibrates cellular chemistry for optimal vitality and well being, stimulating and amplifying inner light with ease and with Grace. And..... allow the sounds and combination of alchemies to reveal the wisdom.. so much more beyond these words.
- Shungite, Platinum
Shungite - Ancient stone of Life, an alchemical miracle stone, unlike any other- promotes positivity and removes negative energies and thoughts. It is a grounding and clearing stone which protects against the absorption of EMF from cell phones, computers, WiFi, etc. Shungite can assist in cell rejuvenation and is a catalyst for growth and transformation.
Platinum - A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. F# - Thymus Gland - Centering
- Lepidolite, Platinum
Lepidolite - This synergistic blend of potassium, lithium, and aluminum silicate, manifests profound emotional healing, generational balance, stress relief, and relaxing calm.
Platinum - A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. G# - Thyroid Gland - Centering
- Super 7, Platinum
Super 7 – This high vibrating stone is a spiritual powerhouse. Super 7 connects us to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration. Activating wisdom and strengthening intuition, it purifies, balances and energizes all the chakras and the auric bodies, aligning them with the highest spiritual frequency.
Platinum - A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. A# - Pineal & Pituitary Glands - Accelerating.
- Supergrade Aqua Aura Gold
Super grade alchemy bowls are made with the Highest grade of quartz crystal available on the planet.
Aqua Aura Gold - Influencing the balance of the analytical mind aspect and transmuting blockages that give rise to disharmony, Aqua Gold lovingly entrains the auric fields for quantum shifting and activating. Connecting this to the Lemurian is a truly powerful vibrational expression of Heaven/ Earth. C# -Accelerating and activating both your life and soul purpose
- Silver Gingko, Platinum
Silver Gingko - A one of a kind Silver Bowl mirrors sophisticated elegance for the Aquarian Age and calls forth the sonic muse. With the look and feel of sterling silver, its yin healing qualities are powerful connectors to Source, creating and amplifying sacred space. Our blessed Balinese silver bowl cleanses with a pure colloidal effect as it balances and clears emotional/physical bodies, empowers intuition and rings with a "hallowed grounding" effect (much like Hematite). Silver is the cording energy for astral and physical bodies and the perfect complement for gemstones/minerals. Gingko trees have endured for millions of years and symbolize resilience, strength, hope and peace.
Platinum - A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. G# - Grounded Thyroid Gland / 10th Chakra, your Legacy - Anchoring
- Mt. Shasta Serpentine, Ocean Indium
Mt. Shasta Serpentine - Ambassador of the mystical properties of the Mt Shasta vortex, the natural green energy of Serpentine keeps you grounded in grace during our journey of loving transformation, aligning you with the natural ebb and flow of all life. Root chakra of the Earth, Mt Shasta is known for its natural beauty and powerful spiritual presence. Native American tribes historically believed that the volcano could be the center of the Universe or even the birthplace of the Creator.
Ocean Indium - Expressing a higher softer magenta frequency, Ocean Indium promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body while increasing the flow of chi. The Ocean Indium Bowl holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body, the Violet and Indium sine waves of this bowl expand Spirit within. It is a catalyst for improved lifestyles with greater flow of chi, better diet, mobility, third eye (pineal gland) activation, a fuller spiritual alignment and balanced male and female energies. D# - Adrenal & Pancreas Glands - Grounding/Centering
- Celestite, Palladium
Celestite - Compassionately activates the throat, third eye and astral chakras while fostering your inner knowing that “all is one”. The sublime overtones of Celestite bridge the heavens and the earth attuning you with your divine essence and connecting you with the angelic realms.
Palladium - The energy of guardianship on the highest frequency. Not a protector, not a teacher, but a constant companion and friend. Empowers the inhabiting of higher consciousness while remaining in the fullness of grounding. Palladium is an excellent travel companion supporting your consistent presence within your heightened consciousness. Palladium encourages the allowance to include external activities into your field energy, while eliminating any necessity to ever step outside of it. Palladium activates joy, wonder, childlike innocence and playfulness. A# - Deeply Grounding Pineal & Pituitary Glands, below Chakra 10 - Anchoring
- Lemurian Seed, Aqua Aura Gold, Moldavite
Lemurian Seed - This bowl taps us into the world of Lemuria, where all information is stored from the beginnings of time. This is a very powerful tool in accessing other dimensional information and wisdom. Lemurian seed opens one to receiving divine downloads.
Aqua Aura Gold - Influencing the balance of the analytical mind aspect and transmuting blockages that give rise to disharmony, Aqua Gold lovingly entrains the auric fields for quantum shifting and activating.
Moldavite - A dark green tektite stone alchemized with pure quartz to create intensive harmonic healing portals to higher consciousness. A loving, crystalline bridge to the stars. C# - Sexual Glands - Grounding/Centering